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From Traditional to Extravagant we want to capture your special day

361DSP Delong Wed_ copy


Our goal is to make you feel and look like a Rock star (minus the pay of course)!

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They're only young once so let us capture this special time in both your life's

Baby M_0077 copy


Our studio, your home, or some special location, we want to make your Family portrait special!


Portraits and Pets

Environmental Portraits, Pets, or simply You! Everyone should have great photos of that special someone!

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Fathers and daughters

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 9:06 PM 0 comments
I had the pleasure of shooting this little gal today. I did manage a few studio shots but we soon moved to the park as I had nothing to keep her attention for more than 3 seconds. As it turned out though the park couldn't hold her attention long either. She was bored very easily and off to the next thing in a heartbeat! There was actually a lot of decent shots though and although not atypical for this area I think the parents will enjoy them. Let me know what you think.

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Workin the weekend

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 2:15 AM 0 comments
Couple from a senior shoot today. William is a Jackson High School senior and defensive lineman on the Ironmen team. My place was still a mess from the Apple Festival but overall the shoot went pretty good I thought. Have a couple more shoots Monday. One for National City Bank advertisement and one of some cute kids. Stay tuned for more photos and dialog once I get some time to actually think.

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Wrapping it up

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 1:16 AM 0 comments
Apple Festival 2007 officially ended Saturday night I'm still working on photo's and getting things arranged for future sessions. Congratulations to Amanda Montgomery who won the Free Family Portrait Session and to Travis Potts, Rebecca Nicholson, and Marina Carper who were drawn to receive a Free 11x14 print! Here are a few of my favorites I picked out tonight, let me know if you like.

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Talk about a smugmug

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:35 AM 0 comments
Took this little cutie's photo's yesterday. She was the perfect little model constantly ready for the camera and never even said a word the whole time. Of course it probably helps when mom has put her in a few beauty contests already and she has two older brothers whom have entered and won many themselves. From what I see she'll keep the family tradition going strong with a few trophies herself.

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Apple Festival Observations

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:32 PM 0 comments
Observe the color, the bold contrast, the ever enticing sights, sounds and smell of the impending festival.............

The welcome messages, the ever so subtle lure of laughter and make believe.....

Watch as it attracts the young, innocent passerby and draws them within it's grasp.....


Oh the sun sets but it does not sleep, it lights up the night with even more blatant, tantalizing promises of fun and "TRICKS"!.....

And deep in it's jaws are colorful lights and sounds.....................

Until finally it brings together groups of young children and makes them laugh uncontrollably as they spin out of control and realize it's only the beginning!

Ok so I'm not a writer but nonetheless it's comical seeing how people, kids in particular react so differently to the various stimulations. Today was the first day and rather slower than anticipated on the photography business end of things. Discussing with several other local photographers and all seem to express the same opinion of the area and it's lack of appreciation in photography. One said today how most will spend thousands of dollar on 4 wheelers but find it outrageous to purchase a photo of a loved one for much more than a few bucks. I have to agree in that priorities in most folks minds locally is toward things that have little long term value. I personally look back at some of the snap shots over the years and they are decaying. I think back of moments, of people special to me and wonder why I never had a photo of that. In fact that is something that propelled me into photography. The fact that when those people are gone I have nothing but thoughts and memories and how much better it would be if I had a picture to have captured that memory more accurately. Show me one good photograph and I'll show you many more people who appreciated it. I hope I get to convey that thought in my photographs, to make people happy and to capture that special someone in a moment in time that can never be recovered.
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Pow Wow

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 2:05 AM 0 comments
Went north on Saturday and visited the Great American Indian PowWow near Loudenville Ohio. Lot of vibrant color and character to photograph for sure. Be sure to check out the photos in the Gallery Event section and post a comment or two. Speaking of comments, thank you Kristen for your's and although we didn't meet at the event I'm glad you felt compelled to visit the website and see the photos. Well it's after 2AM and it's been a long day. Photos are still loading to the site but should be finished by 3AM if anyone is attempting to view now. Have a good night!

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Getting busy

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 10:00 PM 0 comments

Took a break this evening to enjoy some of the outside air and managed to get this shot. Not spectacular I know but the fields covered in these looked quite colorful in the evening light. Apple Festival fast approaching so lots going on and more to do. I'm running several special packages during the week to promote the studio so I hope people take advantage of them. The first is dealing with family portraits, book a session during the Apple Festival and enter a drawing to win your package for free!! I'll be drawing a name from the entries on Saturday evening and posting the winner here as well as by phone. I'll have a couple more dealing with wedding and senior packages so stay tuned.
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Little known nature preserve!

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 10:32 PM 0 comments
I've recently been visiting what seems to be quite a little nature preserve on edge of town. I say this because having walked, hiked and drove around all the local "state parks" such as Lake Katherine, Lake Alma, Lake Hammertown, etc etc I've had more luck seeing more wildlife and colorful plants at an industrial park in the past week than those other places on many trips put together! Don't get me wrong the parks are nice and have their moments but for someone with little time or patience I'd put my money on this spot any day so far. I've been trying to get the early to bed, early to rise thing down just so I can take a little trip to this special place before opening shop. One trip I seen a turkey,

three deer,

one hawk ("on a pear tree"?! No, sorry just sounds like I was mimicking the song)

and a baby skunk. Now granted not a safari but all within 200 yards in about 20 minutes makes for some fast opportunities for wildlife shots. The skunk just didn't stick around long enough which I was somewhat thankful for as I wanted to put a little distance between us but he soon disappeared too quick in the tall weeds to get a shot. So far I can't say that I've gotten any really good shots but the opportunity seems to be there so hopefully it comes through!
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Friday football

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 3:41 AM 0 comments
Caught the second half of the Jackson vs Vinton County game Friday night and have finally managed to get the photo's posted. Also managed to place out some flyers during half time to hopefully make more people aware of the site and how easy it is to view their favorite player or team and even purchase quality prints from comfort of home! Shooting with the 70-200L lens has made life a lot better not to mention the quality of photo being produced. Helps out a lot too with the new stadiums and Vinton County has one of the best and easiest for a photographer to work with. I love the access around the whole field since it is encircled with the track which would make for some great shots of the end zone if a person was on the right side at the right time. Hopefully I'll get another chance to visit before season is over this year.

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Arm Chair Easy Rider Presidents

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 12:50 PM 0 comments
The following is a copy of an email I received just yesterday:

The Easyriders Events Message board is not intended for commercial use
Please refrain fro advertising your company on our message board.

John Green
Easyriders Events
530 N Tymber Creek Rd
Ormond Beach FL 32174

This was in regards to two different posts started by people I don't even know asking the question of who had photos of the rodeo and where can they be viewed. All I did was post a reply saying I have some at "this link". It's not like people have to buy from me or even view the photos I have but I think they are entitled to making that choice. Mr. Green's actions make it impossible for any of the members of the Easyrider forum to even have a choice to view the photos simply because he calls it "advertisement" and removes the posting. I guess I should feel honored though I mean after all he is the "president" and is taking time out of his busy schedule to email me about posts as trivial as this.
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Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 3:41 PM 0 comments

Past few days have been a trying time for me. Why? I can't explain as it's not just one thing or really anything in particular although they seem huge to me. Stress has a way of manifesting itself in wierd ways or perhaps it's just easier for us to place our emotional toil under one label. Always to be one to look for inspiration, self help or just plain get my mind off my own troubles I turn to stories, people, and real life events often documented online. It is during one of these online wonderings this morning I came across an exceptional wedding photographer whom relayed a story written in the Washington Post which is HERE. I'll warn you that it's kind of lengthy (4 pages) so set aside 10 mintues to read and that it's a tear jerker so don't let your friends know you read it! At any rate I highly recommend the read as to me nothing could be more true or inspirational today.
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SmugMug Test

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 2:13 PM 0 comments
Hello, welcome to my blog spot for Digital Storm Photography. In the upcoming weeks I plan to reconstruct a large portion of my site and offer a more intimate look at not only my photography but my inspirations, struggles and triumphs. Please feel free to comment and tell me what you like or don't like.
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