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From Traditional to Extravagant we want to capture your special day

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Our goal is to make you feel and look like a Rock star (minus the pay of course)!

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They're only young once so let us capture this special time in both your life's

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Our studio, your home, or some special location, we want to make your Family portrait special!


Portraits and Pets

Environmental Portraits, Pets, or simply You! Everyone should have great photos of that special someone!

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Busy busy day

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:02 PM 0 comments
Had a chance to try some studio bridal shots today with the help of Andrea's dress shop located here in Jackson, Ohio. I have to say I was impressed with the service and help these wonderful ladies were to assist in not only letting us borrow dresses but all the accessories as well. After spending the majority of day working with Nicole and Heather from Model Mayhem it was off to take photos of the 3rd and 4th grade boys basketball players whom were all great to work with. Here are some of the photos from today. As always please comment and provide us some feedback or stop in and schedule a session!

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Some cute kiddos

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 1:23 AM 1 comments
Worked with these two pageant contestants today for some portfolio shots. These shots are just a few of my favorites and not necessarily the ones that will be used but little "Princess Jalynn" cracks me up with her poise. She's like clay when she poses, you move her how you want and she sits like a statue so it was fun when she actually did loosen up a little. It's late so here are the photos and I hope everyone has a good weekend.

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Can't wait for spring!

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 1:08 AM 0 comments
It's been sooooo cold last few days! Good thing I've had lots of post processing and computer work to do although I have ventured out a few times to try to get some birds of prey. Definitely need to get out this weekend since going to be warmer and find some owls, hawks, or even rarer birds. Spotted a couple of hawks out at a local lake yesterday but very poor angle and when I tried to scout out closer they spooked and took off. Trying to get a 300mm within range is going to be a challenge but I think I'll cheat a little use my Johnny Walker game call. Wish me luck!

For anyone wanting to help me out visit the JPG site and vote for my photos! A couple are listed on left hand side of my blog here. Simply clicking them will direct you to the site where you can take advantage of another good site.

We've received a lot of visits for the basketball photos and hope you like the photos. I want to remind everyone that if you wish to purchase prints or gifts of your athlete to please contact us and make sure you're getting the best product available. We offer so much more including the recently added WallHogs, get a full life size cutout of your player to stick on the wall for added realism!

We will be setting up at the Wedding Expo being held at the YMCA on February 16th and 17th so stop by and say hello and check out some of our products! There will be a lot of great door prizes, games and even a Honeymoon travel package being given away to a lucky bride and groom to be.

Here's a few shots from the latest of senior shoots and a couple more of the lovely Nicole from Model Mayhem.

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A man and his love errr I mean gun

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 6:11 PM 0 comments
Had a guy approach me to take pictures of his pride and joy a couple of months ago and he was finally able to make it in today. The rifle is a 22 caliber custom made competition rifle of which he had won several national and regional honors with over the last few decades. From what I gather this rifle was custom hand made by German immigrant metal worker whom lived and worked in Ohio and passed away in the late 1950's. It's had several modifications done since then of course but with the exception of the action I believe it is still all from Ohio. As you can see in the photos it has a lot of history and definitely notable in the world of competition shooting. I hope I did him some justice by capturing the detail.

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National Hoops Classic

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 5:20 AM 0 comments
Shot some basketball again Saturday covering 3 games during the National Hoops Classic being held at Wellston High School. Gallery will have some of the better shots but not everything that is available is posted so if you are interested in additional photos of a certain individual contact us.

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Basketball with grit

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 2:33 AM 1 comments
Check out the Jackson vs Logan game photos. Little different post processing which brings out the intensity they play with or at least I hope it compares. As always we have more photos than what's posted so if you're looking for more of a certain player contact us and we'll look at what others we may have. Also wanted to remind everyone of one of our new products posted in previous blog entry. WallHogs are available and being offered between now and February with a 10% discount! Get a life size vinyl printout of your special athlete!

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Model Portfolio day

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:27 PM 0 comments
Spent most of day photographing Nicole for some updates to her model portfolio. I know, tough job but somebody has to do it! It's nice to be able to get creative with the photography with someone who is comfortable in front of the camera and willing to try new stuff. I'm posting a few from her shoot although I can not say honestly that these are my only favorites. We done nearly 5 hours of shooting so needless to say processing the photos will take a while but these are some of the ones I have done so far. Let me know what you think and yes it is very hard to choose which ones to post so be nice!

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New Product Offering

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 8:23 PM 0 comments
Digital Storm Photography is pleased to announce a new product that will be sure to make an impact in your child's room, game room, den, office or anywhere else you choose! What is it? Think BIG, real big! Any photo, logo or design you choose can be enlarged and printed up to 7 feet x 4.5 feet on clear vinyl that will mount on any smooth painted surface! Picture a life size photo of your special athlete cutout and displayed for all to see. This is also great for company logos or a custom mural. The vinyl prints can be removed without any sticky residue and applied again elsewhere. We're also able to get the same size printed on photo paper or canvas suitable for framing. See the flyer below or call us for more information! Place an order for one of these before February 15th, 2008 and receive 10% off final order!

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Day of reflections

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 9:44 PM 3 comments
Spent the afternoon taking a break and driving around until I found something that caught my photo eye. Once I drove to Lake Alma I seen that the lighting and calmness of the lake were perfect for some photos of the reflections. This is my take on them and although I wished I had done a couple of things different I didn't think they turned out too bad.

Upon arriving back to the studio I was welcomed by "alley cat" whom resides out behind the studio and other buildings here locally. She has got to be one of the ugliest cats I think I've ever seen but she grows on you with her friendliness. I'm not sure how she survives but not only does she survive she seems to stay well fed. From what I gather from some of my neighbors quite a few folks feed her which I guess she's grown on a quite a few others as well.

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Website work

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 1:15 AM 1 comments
Been trying to reformulate some portions of the website and clean up different items. In doing so I've decided to add a "Best of" gallery to certain sections such as Events and Sports. This will help market my photography to those I'm trying to get published with. First one I've started with is the Event's gallery and from this I've posted a few photos I've reworked to my personal taste and style which after all is a major point I'm trying to sell. Feel free to comment and visit the Best of galleries that will soon be posted. The photos posted are from the Mohican Indian PowWow I visited this past summer.

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Taking a moment

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 10:29 PM 0 comments
In adding this blog to my photography website I foreseen a debate within myself as to what to include and exclude from my postings. For the most part I've managed to keep it business and photography related even at the expense of my own sanity at times. I will side step my usual keeping with photography and spread more to the blog world for this entry. During my online travels I try to keep abreast of not only photography related material but general things of interest, especially real people who give inspiration to not only myself but to all those they come into contact with. It was today I came across one such blog belonging to Major Andrew Olmsted's blog after reading about his story on another website. Major Olmsted was a soldier currently serving in Iraq who was featured in the Rocky Mountain News and other publications known for posting blogs of soldiers deployed. Major Olmsted was killed by an Iraqi sniper January 3rd, 2008. His death like many others is a tragedy in itself and leaves one to continue to be awe struck at the daily heroism displayed by our fighting men and women but this is not what struck me to write about it. What I found inspirational was his blog entry after his death. He had instructed a fellow soldier to post one last blog entry if and when he was killed in action and this post is available for all who wish to read on his website. I encourage those reading this to take a moment to read an honorable man's words from the grave. In today's high tech world it just amazed me that more of this has not happened and I've wondered what if anything good would ever come out of it. While I have served my country during Desert Shield/Storm I too still continue to deal with it even more so now since I have a son being deployed at this very time. As Major Olmsted speaks of, I too continue to be amazed at the people who write some of the inner most thoughts and feelings down on a computer screen displaying both intelligence and creativity you would never have the chance to see otherwise. I was reminded recently to "know your audience" but do you really think that applies to the Internet as well? I mean being in the photography business or any type of business for that matter you should watch that you market your skills versus your political or social views but in the general forum of the Internet I believe if you can't present your true feelings, especially with something you're passionate about, where can you? For no other medium gives us the freedom to express our views to such a wide audience and the bigger the audience surely we have the greatest opportunity of finding those of like mind. No matter how big or small your town, no matter how rich or poor you are, no matter your weight, height, or social status, you can have a voice, even if it's just a small one. It is this that I gained from Major Olmsted's blog. While I admire his heroism it is his bravery to write from beyond the grave to somewhat comfort those closest to him that I found really awesome. In his small way he reached beyond his small circle of influence and touched a great number more. Don't forget to thank a vet today!
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Another beautiful day for the outdoors

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 7:39 PM 1 comments
With the temperature in the upper 60's again today it was good to do some more outdoor shots. I ventured off the beaten path and came across new local portion of a bicycle path and I must say it was so peaceful and serene. For those locally that have not had a chance to walk the trail I highly recommend it. Once my son arrived from school I took him out and made him pose for some shots. As you can tell being a typical teenage boy, being photographed was not a highlight of his day. Nonetheless I rarely get these opportunities so I took quite a few shots. Take a look at the shots posted here for what I'm finding is a style I like.

With Valentines day fast approaching Digital Storm Photography will be offering special discounts for those couples wishing to give a gift that lasts for years to come. Stay tuned for our special promotion!

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68 Degrees

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 9:03 PM 2 comments
It was so nice today, upper 60's, slight breeze and sunny. A good day to go to the park and see the tots playing. Here are a few shots from today that I liked and hopefully the weather is nice tomorrow as well! Be a good time to come and get some photos done with those little ones so call and get a session booked!

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