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From Traditional to Extravagant we want to capture your special day

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Our goal is to make you feel and look like a Rock star (minus the pay of course)!

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They're only young once so let us capture this special time in both your life's

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Our studio, your home, or some special location, we want to make your Family portrait special!


Portraits and Pets

Environmental Portraits, Pets, or simply You! Everyone should have great photos of that special someone!

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Favorites of the rodeo

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 9:57 PM 0 comments
We're pretty much done sorting through and posting the the photos from this past weekend's rodeo at Henderson's Arena. None of the pictures really do justice to the action and atmosphere of the rodeo, mostly because of the poor lighting. Why not use flash you ask? Well for one we're concerned for the safety of the participants. We do not want to spook an animal with flashes. Another reason which is also a personal philosophy with Digital Storm Photography is it's hard to catch action unless you shoot 5 to 6 frames per second because if you wait until you see it, you've already missed the shot and these things do not wait on the photographer! We're maxing out our camera's ability shooting this event and like I mentioned it does not do it justice simply because not enough light to freeze all the action. This is why you'll see some parts of the photo blurry from movement that is faster than our shutter speed. Hope that all makes sense!

Here are a few of our favorite shots. A big thanks to all the participants.

Scary moment when this rider's hand was stuck in the rigging and he could not get free while the bull was still spinning and ultimately falling on the rider. He was transported off but as far as I know he was OK. Notice the response and action of the bull fighters and Dave Johnson. They do their best to make sure the riders are safe at a risk to their own safety.

Fast horses and pretty girls. Good combination!Another close call as it seemed a few bulls had trouble keeping their footing. This rider walked away.
Reminds me of a scene from Scariest Moments tv show in which a bull jumped the fence and got into the stands. This bull was contained but he sure made a go at it.
After winning the "Best Dressed Cowboy" applause from the audience this little guy got a little scared and wanted mom fast!
Best dressed cowgirl winner. She was a cutie for sure. Congrats!
Straight out the gate and getting some air!
This 4yr old easily won the crowd's affection as the youngest barrel racer participating. I think it was the fact she done the circuit without anyone by her side and completed each barrel turn to the cheer of the crowd.
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Busy Weekend

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 12:16 AM 0 comments
Lot of things to mention and follow up on in today's entry. Had an engagement session with Waylon and Sarah Saturday afternoon to start the photographic day. They are due to be wed in a couple of weeks and it was a joy to spend some time getting to know them a little today. They've had a whirlwind love story that started in Wales while both were attending school and have been inseparable every since. Sometimes you can just tell when a couple truly love each other and have all the tools to make a relationship last and these two leave no doubt. Stay tuned in the near future for some photos of their union as we will also be recording their special day.

Next it was off for another night at the rodeo at Henderson's Arena produced by Diamond J Ranch out of Oakhill. It will take a few days to go through the photos and process them so keep checking back. Copies can be purchased online for those wishing to do so and remember Digital Storm Photography is joining Dave and Kim Johnson in donating $1 off every sale for donation to Breast Cancer Awareness program! Also want to mention you may stop in the studio to purchase these and see about all the other great stuff we can do with the photos.

Last but not least we want to congratulate Madison for becoming Wellston's newest Homecoming Queen this past Friday night! Madison is one of our senior model reps here at Digital Storm Photography and we're very proud to have the chance to capture her Senior pictures!

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A night at the rodeo

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 1:15 AM 0 comments
Sharing a few shots from Friday's edition on the rodeo being held at Henderson Arena this weekend. Another show will be put on Saturday night starting at 8PM and Diamond J Rodeo is sponsoring Breast Cancer awareness night in which they will donate $1 of every admission to this worthy cause. In the same spirit we here at Digital Storm Photography will also donate a dollar of every picture sale to this cause as well! We would encourage all to come out and check it out especially if you've never attended as you'll have fun and help support a worthy cause at the same time.

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Baby L Sneak Peek

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 5:50 PM 1 comments
Started out the day with a visit from Baby "L" and his proud parents for a photo shoot in honor of an up and coming b-day. He didn't know what to think of the camera at first and showed his concern as soon as I put it up to my eye. I'm sure he was thinking "dude you're ugly enough, what's up with putting that thing on your face?"! While I'm far from finished these are some of the standouts from my first go round. Please feel free to comment and let Bryan and Felicia know how cute their baby boy is!

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The "party down in Apple town" is over!

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:53 PM 0 comments
Few shots from the grand parade finale and more to share in the Event gallery. If you wish to have a copy of photos that picture yourself or child then contact us. Electronic versions can be given for FREE or if you wish to have better quality photograph then we can get those for you as well. Only ones not for distribution will be the acts performing on stage (LoCash Cowboys and Lady Antebellum).

Fall will be starting very soon and dates are filling up fast for those outdoor portraits so contact us ASAP for your session! It's a great time to fulfill those family portraits for the holidays as gifts and we can also create custom holiday cards to give to loved ones.

Finally don't be fooled by "lower prices" or promises of quality. Check into your photography investment and look at the work and quality displayed as all photographers are created equal nor do we have the same style. Digital Storm Photography pride ourselves in always making sure you're confident in your choice of coming here for your important photos! No fancy gimmicks or sales pitches, just honest straight forward pricing with the goal of giving you the best quality return for your investment!

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Two more days

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:53 PM 0 comments
Just two more days to take advantage of the Apple Festival and some specials being ran here at Digital Storm Photography! We're offering a $50 print credit to anyone booking a regular portrait session with us through this week, Seniors booking with us will receive an additional 16 free wallets or 50 411 cards FREE, and we're offering $1.50 off every picture purchase of our sport event photos purchased here at the studio! We have parking out back that is always open to customers and if you're needing space to attend the Apple Festival we have spots available for just $5! Half of those proceeds will go to Anchored in the Rock church to benefit their building and/or youth program.

Special thanks for all those booking so far and to those of you thinking about it, hurry and book your session today as dates are filling up fast!

Now for a few photos of the Festival and tonight's entertainment, the LoCash Cowboys!

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Baby Hill Sneek Peek

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 9:17 PM 2 comments
Had the opportunity to photograph "Baby Hill" this evening for his first ever official photo shoot. Ok let me backtrack, his second. His first he was still in the oven! Here he is one month into the world and we subjected him to bright flashing lights and not a moments peace and at times he let us all know that! He seems to be well beyond his ripe old age of one month with all his motor skills from head raises to flailing every limb he has. haha. We did manage to stop the action from time to time and get some adorable shots. He's got some big blue expressive eyes that I'm sure will have the ladies chasing him in a few years. Anyway here are a few of my favorite I've went through so far. Feel free to comment and let the Hill's know how adorable their new bundle of joy is.

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Senior Model Rep Madison

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 12:39 AM 1 comments
Here's some of my favorites from a shoot with the lovely Madison whom will representing Digital Storm Photography for her home school. She was a natural and had a hard time keeping a smile off her face for those serious looks. Stay tuned for more photos of Madison in the future and for those whom know Madison or Evan and are senior's hit them up for some terrific offers we have gathered for them to hand out if you book with us!

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Sneak Peek of Hubbard Wedding

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 7:14 PM 1 comments
Just getting back from a wedding in Indiana and thought I would post a few photos that caught my eye on downloading them. An outdoor wedding at a scenic lakeside location, casual event and lots of fun for everyone. Had the opportunity to meet a lot of great folks and I hope to see and hear more from everyone in the near future! Feel free to comment on the photos, email me or call anytime!

Here's the great looking wedding party, yes even you Phil!

One more of the crew. Bride's maid Kim has one of those contagious smiles as seen here.
The old bald guy kinda pales in comparison to his new bride here but beautiful couple nonetheless. By the way, yes I can say that about the old man since he raised me and he's computer illiterate so shhhhh, (I only said great things!)
One word: Ornery.
Riding off in style, Harley style.
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