Ok so I've worked most of today post processing photos mainly from the rodeo event and have posted them to the album as I hope you've noticed. I'm not totally finished and will continue to post some more specifically from Friday night to the album later today. I know it seems like something simple from the outside looking in but trust me this isn't simply downloading photos to computer and then uploading them to the web. Because of the low light and noise produced by using a high ISO setting I'm spending a good bit of time on each photo trying to make use out of each one since I have no clue who will be interested in purchasing. If you participated in the rodeo and do not see a photo of yourself then shoot me an email and give me some info. such as what event, male or female, horse color, what day, etc etc that would help me locate you in my photos. If you do see a photo of you but only one or if you want to know if there is more also shoot me an email and I'll see what I got. Looking back through them I think I was able to capture quite a few decent ones in regard to action shots and "drama". This is one of those events I love the challenge of capturing; all the action, color and people, especially all the good looking cowgirls is something that makes it worthwhile but it would also help to be able to support the habit so buy those photos! One more thing I would like to encourage is feedback! Stop by the "guestbook" page and leave a comment if you like what you see or you have some constructive feedback or a request. Make sure to leave a way to contact you however if you want a reply back though!
Dan McCarty caught with pants down and clowning around!
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