Experimenting with HDR (High Dynamic Range) images and came out with the first shot below. This is near Buckeye Furnace and shot on tripod with different exposures. The idea is to expose for both shadows and highlights in this case the trees and the sky and merge them in photoshop. While I don't think this came out too bad and certainly better than trying to correct the shadows or highlights in photoshop I found out however there is a problem with clouds. Clouds move so when taking several shots and merging them together you can have distortions but the beautiful sky was one of the biggest things I wanted to capture so I still ended up spending time working with the healing brush and such. Anybody with suggestions for this issue please let me know.
After HDR try I decided to drive back to my little unknown nature preserve and came across several deer including this guy. He was pretty photogenic as I snapped quite a few photos from jeep then stepped out and walked toward him to get a better angle coming to within about 50 yards before he decided it was too close and leaped to edge of tree line before stopping to let me take several more shots. Then I watched him do something I thought was pretty amazing. See his head turned while he is at the tree line? I thought he was perhaps watching another buck who had perhaps crossed into his territory and as I was looking to see what he was looking at I observed two does coming toward me. At that instant the 1st doe seen me and stopped, peering through a small leafless tree. It is at this time I saw something that was pretty cool, the buck left his safe zone, get away trail and came back out toward me and ushered these two to the wood line. I mean I've been to the woods hunting for many years but this was first time I observed a buck with this nurturing nature without the rut on his mind. He literally knew I was there and came back out to within 40 yards of me to make sure those two other got to the tree line and he made them go quick. Usually you'll see them flag and run but this buck took care of the young.
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