I've not been able to post or do much as of late due to trying to process orders and get them completed before Christmas. I figured if I could knock these all out in a short time then the few days before xmas and during the holiday week I might actually get to take care of some of my own projects so I apologize for being short or unavailable to those around me!
The photos are one of my latest senior shoots who was good to work with as he had some good ideas of what he wanted. He took me to a place I've never had the opportunity to see on the back side of Lake Katherine and the view is incredible and a place I've got to get back to during the fall. The cliff seems to be at least 100 feet above the water level, overlooking the lake and an island. He informed me that he had actually fallen to the next level on one occasion which seem to be quite a drop! He's also an avid snowboarder and I was able to catch him with some action shots in the studio. Check it out and tell me what you think.
I've still got lots of Moto X photos to process but have put them on back burner in order to complete these orders prior to xmas deadline so stay tuned for more. I've also been tasked with shooting some kid's sports teams for the city in the coming weeks to which I need to prepare for. In anticipation of this I finally made the leap and purchased an Alien Bee flash unit with softbox to help take a load off my strobes. I've heard nothing but good things on these lighting units and can't wait to see the capability. Stay tuned for updates!
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