I haven't posted much as of late simply because I've been less inspired and more at focus on the tedious business side of things. Nonetheless I thought I should post some of the latest things happening here. Pictured 1st off below is some work I recently acquired by an old friend whom wanted these photos put onto iron on transfers so she could incorporate them into some quilts she makes by hand. She does a beautiful job and to match I thought I would do some restoration on one of the badly damaged photos she brought. I've posted a before and after so those of you whom have old photographs that you would like to see restored can see the quality that is possible.
Playing around with some smoke today in which you'll see some cool abstracts in the photos below. It all the sudden starting snowing pretty heavily this evening and makes me yearn for spring even more. Hopefully I get to shoot my appointments tomorrow and get out to get some decent photos of the snowfall.
Tonight hosted the last lunar eclipse until 2010 and I only caught the last part of it. It was hand held which is not easy to do in 18 degree weather and no gloves. Not a very good shot so I had to take a couple of other shots in a warmer environment of something warmer yet. Hopefully in the next few days I'll be able to show some more work and unveil what direction I'm heading for to meet the spring and summer work. As always feel free to comment, call or stop by and see what we can do for you!
Spent the last couple of days displaying my work and trying to drum up business at the first Jackson Wedding Expo over the weekend. Being the very first event of this type I had attended and the first held in Jackson I looked at it as a true learning experience. I'm thankful for all the future bride and grooms that stopped by and checked out Digital Storm Photography! I'm including a couple of snapshots I took of some of the future newlyweds participating in the newlywed game operated by Chris Chase of LazerJam entertainment. It was a great opportunity to network with some of the other vendors in the area including SoundBlast DJ and Karaoke Service out of Jackson, Who's Your Limo? out of Washington Courthouse, K&L Catering out of Gallipolis, Andrea's Prom and Bridal HQ out of Jackson as well as many many others. I hope to acquire some new clients from the experience and look forward to working with all.
Wedding season is fast upon us which is good! Sometimes just thinking of spring soon to be right around the corner makes these cold dreary days go a little easier. While I won't be taking the actual wedding ceremony photos of the couple below I do get to participate as best man nonetheless. Little brother has finally decided he wants to get married so I had them over today to get a few photos for the invitations. This is my first draft of the invitation I'm looking to make for them although I think I work better without folks looking over my shoulder and will probably attempt another one prior to printing.
Reminding everyone once again that Digital Storm Photography will be set up at this weekend's bridal expo at the YMCA in Jackson. Stop by and visit us and if you're getting married or simply want some photos of your special someone ask what we can do for you! Hope to see a good turn out and look forward to meeting lots of new folks.
Reminding everyone once again that Digital Storm Photography will be set up at this weekend's bridal expo at the YMCA in Jackson. Stop by and visit us and if you're getting married or simply want some photos of your special someone ask what we can do for you! Hope to see a good turn out and look forward to meeting lots of new folks.
Not too bad of a day. Just wished I felt a little better to enjoy it more. I did get out long enough to capture these few shots. I loved the sky and the late day sun casting long shadows and lighting everything at an almost perfect angle from where I was. I have another shoot tomorrow afternoon building model portfolios and experimenting with some different lighting effects so stay tuned for photos. I've rediscovered use of my mini boom light stand by adding an extra strobe light to it and placing it directly over/above my subject which happened only to be a plastic pumpkin today but hey it was close enough to match some folks heads as far as lighting goes.
Want to remind everyone of the upcoming bridal show being held this next weekend at the YMCA in Jackson. Lot of great prizes being given away and vendors from various places taking part. This will be Jackson's first so hopefully it will be successful enough to continue in the future. Hope to see you there!
Want to remind everyone of the upcoming bridal show being held this next weekend at the YMCA in Jackson. Lot of great prizes being given away and vendors from various places taking part. This will be Jackson's first so hopefully it will be successful enough to continue in the future. Hope to see you there!
I've not posted the last couple of days due to a chest cold and other stuff going on but couldn't resist doing one today just to post these pics. This is my niece and such a cutie when she actually behaves long enough to get a photo taken. We went with the valentines day theme since it is the season and to showcase what can be done in regard to making your special someone a very special valentine card or gift.
Trying to get order completed and working on some new projects. I'll be putting together something for the seniors here soon as I'll be looking for 2009 graduates wanting to become associates of digital storm photography. If you're outgoing, involved in various school functions and willing to commit some of your time we want you! Still getting stuff together for the upcoming bridal expo being held at the local YMCA on Feb 16th and 17th. I encourage all those that can attend to come out and visit. From what I understand you'll have excellent opportunities to win some great stuff from the vendors including a honeymoon trip for those getting married! Here are a few more shots from my recent bridal studio shoot. Let us know what you think.
Ok technically it's Saturday but to me it's still Friday. I made the mistake of going to bed early because of an all day headache so now I'm awake and catching up on some of the stuff I put off today. In making my rounds to various forums and educational sites I came across another inspiring photographer/lecturer who is located not too far from here in Kentucky. While browsing his blog and picking up some great tips I watched this video he had posted. I had seen this before but couldn't help but watch it again. It's not so much photography related but visually interesting nonetheless. Take a peek and see what I mean.