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From Traditional to Extravagant we want to capture your special day

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Our goal is to make you feel and look like a Rock star (minus the pay of course)!

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They're only young once so let us capture this special time in both your life's

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Our studio, your home, or some special location, we want to make your Family portrait special!


Portraits and Pets

Environmental Portraits, Pets, or simply You! Everyone should have great photos of that special someone!

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Late night

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 2:08 AM
Trying to get order completed and working on some new projects. I'll be putting together something for the seniors here soon as I'll be looking for 2009 graduates wanting to become associates of digital storm photography. If you're outgoing, involved in various school functions and willing to commit some of your time we want you! Still getting stuff together for the upcoming bridal expo being held at the local YMCA on Feb 16th and 17th. I encourage all those that can attend to come out and visit. From what I understand you'll have excellent opportunities to win some great stuff from the vendors including a honeymoon trip for those getting married! Here are a few more shots from my recent bridal studio shoot. Let us know what you think.

1 Response to "Late night"

  1. Jaime Said,

    These are awesome!! I love these wedding shots!! I love the final shot (I think it's the 5th) I love the blue flowers and composition!

    You are rocking these shoots!!