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From Traditional to Extravagant we want to capture your special day

361DSP Delong Wed_ copy


Our goal is to make you feel and look like a Rock star (minus the pay of course)!

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They're only young once so let us capture this special time in both your life's

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Our studio, your home, or some special location, we want to make your Family portrait special!


Portraits and Pets

Environmental Portraits, Pets, or simply You! Everyone should have great photos of that special someone!

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An Evening at the Rodeo

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 1:56 AM 1 comments
Sharing some as preview of the better shots taken Friday evening at Henderson Arena rodeo produced by Diamond J productions. If you participated and wish to purchase prints or gifts feel free to contact us! We will be returning Saturday evening for more rodeo action so stop by and say hello, grab a card and let us know how we can serve your photographic needs.

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Copyright and a photographer's rights

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:08 PM 1 comments
While visiting those websites that have visited me I came across one that was using my photos as samples of their "art work" on their website. And while I might have not thought much about it initially I was upset that someone would brazenly just use the photos without so much as a hello or thank you since after all there was no plug for my work or website, just description of the jewelry they wore in the photos was samples of her work. So I emailed the individual stating the simple copy write protection law of using one of my photos for her business and kindly asked for her to remove it as I feel it not only violated my rights but perhaps the individuals in the photo itself. In reply I basically get a line about what I should do with my photos instead of just leaving them out for the public to see. Now I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but isn't that the point of taking photos when you're in the photography business? Anyway I was also told I was violating the individual's rights in the photo as they had not released such rights. This let me know that it was obvious this individual was under some false sense of security and had not read the "photographer's rights" or ever received legal advice. While I won't bore you with the lengthy version here's the general part:

"The general rule in the United States is that anyone may take photographs of whatever they want when they are in a public place or places where they have permission to take photographs.
Absent a specific legal prohibition such as a statute or ordinance, you are legally entitled to take photographs. Examples of places that are traditionally considered public are streets, sidewalks, and public parks. Property owners may legally prohibit photography on their premises but have no right to prohibit others from photographing their property from other locations. Whether you
need permission from property owners to take photographs while on their premises depends on the circumstances. In most places, you may reasonably assume that taking photographs is allowed and that you do not need explicit permission."

Now the photos in question were at a public gathering recognizing native Americans with no posted or written policy prohibiting photographs. Nobody asked that their photo not be taken (not that would matter legally, but I would have respected their request) and many other folks were taking photos of course as with any event. In the end I thanked her for removing my photo from her website and figure that was sufficient as it should be. Bottom line for this part of the story is nobody has rights to your photos except you. If you wish to sell photos is the only time certain requirements need to be met and then it's always advisable to get a release. This isn't the first issue of theft I've dealt with but it's an ever increasing problem for photographers which is why you'll see more action to protect both parties rights. This is why we offer password protected galleries and make sure your images remain safe from instances like this when you schedule a photoshoot with us. Public events on the other hand are open to the public as such and usually copies of photos are only available with consent release by individuals or parents of individuals pictured.

I'll leave you with a few shots taken recently and invite you back to view some awesome shots of the rodeo action at Henderson's over the weekend coming up.

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Heather n Brandi

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 12:33 AM 2 comments
It's been a busy weekend and it's good to be able to have multiple items to shoot. Still processing wedding photos but took a break to get a few from a shoot today as well. Tomorrow I hope to get some baseball. My way of pushing spring in a bit at a time. Dates are filling up fast so place your call today to get some of those special memories captured. Here's a few from today.

The lovely Brandi

and her cousin Heather.....
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Dual duties = busy day

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 9:33 PM 0 comments
So I was asked to be the best man at my brother's wedding and of course take photos as well. Needless to say a near impossible task especially of the ceremony portion so relied on video camera for that portion of the event. I truly wish them the best in their marriage and that they'll forever be able to look back with fond memories. I haven't processed many but here are a few that caught my eye so far.

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Time Change

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:12 PM 0 comments
Well it's that time of year when we "Spring" forward an hour for daylight savings. As if we needed another reason to be off schedule. Good thing about the change is it's getting dark later and thus I was out and taking a few shots this afternoon and evening before realizing it was after 7 and still light outside. We are suppose to get some more snow tonight followed by rain so everything should be real nice and saturated the next few days. Who else besides me is ready for spring?!!

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New backdrops and toys

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 1:59 AM 0 comments
Among the other hundred things to do I wanted to account for and inventory a lot of the more expensive items today. At least now, anything short of a nuclear blast I'll have accurate records of what was lost. Some of the newest additions to our studio selection of backdrops are pictured below. Scenic backdrops are generally a bad idea for me but this one I made an exception for and think I can make it work. I also spent a little time rigging up the "light pole", a two flash set-up that can be mounted to a stand or monopod in a mobile sorta way. I got the idea from a the FlashFlavor group which provided some excellent examples of it's use. This will provide a somewhat powerful source of very modifiable light with a lot more portability and greater variation. Now hopefully I'll be able to off load some of the surplus items and get a few more flashes! Here's a few pics of the new backdrops and my new DIY flash.

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Fly Away

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 10:11 PM 0 comments
I will get birds in flight at some point and time that I am actually happy with. Until then we will have to do with these geese I shot today as I jumped out of the jeep and ripped a few as they passed overhead.

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Things are said

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 10:25 PM 0 comments
Coming up with titles for blogs should be a multiple choice type thing seeing as how trying to come up with one is either fast and not very well thought out such as this one or just too plain. Anyway sometimes we let things people say manipulate how we feel, especially the bad things. Isn't it sad how we more apt to let the negative comments or things said effect us versus the positive things said? I just recently had some undesired drama unfold and got to thinking about what it really means by putting it into perspective. Now granted the negative wasn't about my photography or anything related but still it gets to ya sometimes but anyway I thought I would mention that the last few days I've had some positive reinforcement from clients whom I really don't know and they don't know me. I love those type of comments since they are not prejudiced in any way so I've been trying to recall them in the last few moments so as to get back into a positive mood. Several of the parents whom purchased photos of their children I done for the Jackson Rec Dept. basketball teams asked if I would also be doing the rest of the sport photos as they were very please with the photos so that was good. Another one I really appreciated was from one of the fathers whom as we all know being a male myself, it's sometimes harder to give positive feedback but he wanted to let me know that "his boys have been in sports for some years now and these were the best photos he has ever received in the sports packages". I don't want to come across as bragging or anything like that but I was very pleased that they were pleased. Since this year is my first time doing official sport packages I'm especially happy that I'm off to a good start and hopefully it'll mean more confidence and purchases of other photo services in the future. I want everyone to view Digital Storm Photography services and style and see that high quality photographs and gifts are available right here in Jackson county. We do use the latest digital technology and photographic techniques to give all our customers the service they deserve.

In closing here's a photo from today. I'm sure most will recognize this old tree and if you're like me you just love it! It has so much "character" it seems.

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Beautiful day and a Senior shoot

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 10:59 PM 0 comments
Today was so nice in terms of weather but also in the fact of doing a shoot outdoors with such great group of ladies. I hope it keeps up and continues into spring. Here are a few from today and I hope you like them as much as I did.

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Are we there yet?

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 8:52 PM 0 comments
The big thaw and spring that is. Today wasn't too bad and it's suppose to be up to 60 tomorrow! We took a hike this afternoon so as not to waste the sunshine and went to Lake Kathrine. The lake was still ice/slush covered but the creek and waterfall beneath the foot bridge was flowing quite well. I hope to be able to capitalize on some people shots in the scenic location in the near future. For now though here's a few from the walk.

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