Coming up with titles for blogs should be a multiple choice type thing seeing as how trying to come up with one is either fast and not very well thought out such as this one or just too plain. Anyway sometimes we let things people say manipulate how we feel, especially the bad things. Isn't it sad how we more apt to let the negative comments or things said effect us versus the positive things said? I just recently had some undesired drama unfold and got to thinking about what it really means by putting it into perspective. Now granted the negative wasn't about my photography or anything related but still it gets to ya sometimes but anyway I thought I would mention that the last few days I've had some positive reinforcement from clients whom I really don't know and they don't know me. I love those type of comments since they are not prejudiced in any way so I've been trying to recall them in the last few moments so as to get back into a positive mood. Several of the parents whom purchased photos of their children I done for the Jackson Rec Dept. basketball teams asked if I would also be doing the rest of the sport photos as they were very please with the photos so that was good. Another one I really appreciated was from one of the fathers whom as we all know being a male myself, it's sometimes harder to give positive feedback but he wanted to let me know that "his boys have been in sports for some years now and these were the best photos he has ever received in the sports packages". I don't want to come across as bragging or anything like that but I was very pleased that they were pleased. Since this year is my first time doing official sport packages I'm especially happy that I'm off to a good start and hopefully it'll mean more confidence and purchases of other photo services in the future. I want everyone to view Digital Storm Photography services and style and see that high quality photographs and gifts are available right here in Jackson county. We do use the latest digital technology and photographic techniques to give all our customers the service they deserve.
In closing here's a photo from today. I'm sure most will recognize this old tree and if you're like me you just love it! It has so much "character" it seems.
In closing here's a photo from today. I'm sure most will recognize this old tree and if you're like me you just love it! It has so much "character" it seems.
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