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From Traditional to Extravagant we want to capture your special day

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Our goal is to make you feel and look like a Rock star (minus the pay of course)!

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They're only young once so let us capture this special time in both your life's

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Our studio, your home, or some special location, we want to make your Family portrait special!


Portraits and Pets

Environmental Portraits, Pets, or simply You! Everyone should have great photos of that special someone!

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The day after

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 9:39 PM 0 comments
I hope everyone had a wonderful and merry Christmas yesterday. I know most of us are glad it's over, at least the parts that make it a burden and not the part where you visit and have a good time with family members! Sometimes it's the only time to get some snapshots of family that never seem to have the time or motivation to take some real photos.

Here's a few shots from the past few days that I liked the most as well as one from a small photo shoot this evening.

These are two of my niece's both of whom are little cuties. She's just doing the "I don't want my picture taken close her eyes thing" and isn't asleep. She did a good job looking the part though!

This is Carolyn and this was one of the poses she struck once she got going. It was comical and I had a hard time taking the photos and keeping a straight face. She actually started twisting and turning like a pro fashion model on a shoot without any goading from anyone, stood up and took her jacket off like she was changing her look and kept performing all sort of poses.

My step son hamming it up for the camera as usual. He's due to start toward a tour in Iraq, leaving January 1st. That is one of his twin sons, less than 3 months old.

My niece Carolyn along with her brothers by a different mother. Ethan and Garrett are regulars at the photo thing so biggest deal for them is getting them to be patient!

And finally this is Abby, a local active pageant attendee/winner. She was needing some up to date head shots. I hope I did her some justice and we get to work together again some time. She was my first portrait off my new lighting set-up and I've got to say I think I'll get along with them just fine.

On another note my website was receiving hits from Yada Yada Yada photography?! I'm not sure what was posted but thanks to those that have been visiting and I hope to be able to participate/contribute some photos in future.
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Tis the Season

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 12:56 AM 1 comments

This is not the greatest photo in the world I know and surely not the best model but only one available to me at midnight. I've been exploring some DIY websites for lighting modifiers and effects in between getting things done for Christmas. The photo is some experimenting I was doing with a home made snoot fitted to my 580EX2 flash. I wanted to control the lighting to effectively light the model (me) while still capturing the ambient light of the Christmas tree. The snoot and diffuser was made with items from our local Walmart and included a sheet of black foam (9x12), some velcro and some fabric. In about 10 minutes I had a nifty snoot that fits snug and glue free to my flash unit. I then added a small piece of fabric to the front of the snoot to act as a diffuser to cut down on the direct flash effect. I've got lots more ideas and experimenting to do so stay tuned for some further fun shots. Right now it's back to Walmart to get a couple more things!
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Holiday Rush

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 1:41 AM 0 comments

I've not been able to post or do much as of late due to trying to process orders and get them completed before Christmas. I figured if I could knock these all out in a short time then the few days before xmas and during the holiday week I might actually get to take care of some of my own projects so I apologize for being short or unavailable to those around me!

The photos are one of my latest senior shoots who was good to work with as he had some good ideas of what he wanted. He took me to a place I've never had the opportunity to see on the back side of Lake Katherine and the view is incredible and a place I've got to get back to during the fall. The cliff seems to be at least 100 feet above the water level, overlooking the lake and an island. He informed me that he had actually fallen to the next level on one occasion which seem to be quite a drop! He's also an avid snowboarder and I was able to catch him with some action shots in the studio. Check it out and tell me what you think.

I've still got lots of Moto X photos to process but have put them on back burner in order to complete these orders prior to xmas deadline so stay tuned for more. I've also been tasked with shooting some kid's sports teams for the city in the coming weeks to which I need to prepare for. In anticipation of this I finally made the leap and purchased an Alien Bee flash unit with softbox to help take a load off my strobes. I've heard nothing but good things on these lighting units and can't wait to see the capability. Stay tuned for updates!
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Moto X

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 8:01 PM 0 comments

Few from the motocross racing held at Henderson's over this weekend. More to follow but in meantime feel free to browse rest in the gallery.
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Little Field Trip

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:52 PM 0 comments

With the nicer weather I found it hard to just sit still so made a trip to the zoo. Getting there as late as we did I was lucky to come out with anything but had to try. Photos below are some of my favorites. If you have small children you should take them up to see all the xmas lights they have strung throughout. They look pretty crappy during daylight as there seems to be no order to them but at night they come together somewhat when they are all working. Anyway, pretty worn out and headed to bed.

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Rain rain rain

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 9:29 PM 0 comments

This whole weather thing is getting old with the daily rain and dreary sky. I have been hoping for some sun for what seems like a week now just to break the mould. One good thing with the rain it has been forcing some indoor creative work and tasks that need to be completed.

Still working with the images I've captured from the wedding and working some ideas for the album. Pictured here are two proposed pages. I've recently added some new plugins for photoshop; one being OnOne's Edge Effects and Kai's Power tools. Should be able to incorporate some of these in next week or so to show what they are capable of. Until then I hope to be able to shoot some more and continue to learn.

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Needed a laugh

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:49 PM 0 comments
Check out this video and be sure to turn up the speakers. Few moments are as special as the first dance of a wedding and as a photographer we should always be on the look out for such special moments. Click the link and smile.
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Winter is upon us

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 9:43 PM 0 comments

Couple of shots during the recent snowfall and more Photoshop work. I wished I'd had some prettier eyes to photograph up close at the time but mine had to do. I found out it's pretty difficult to focus a macro lens on your own eye in low light conditions to take a photo but finally got something that was somewhat in focus. I love this Canon 100mm macro! It is so sharp and crisp and shows every detail although sometimes when you're getting old like me that can be a bad thing. Anyway take a look and see what you think.
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Seniors and Gifts

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 12:19 AM 0 comments

Few more from the weekend to include members of the Hall family looking for something to give as gifts. Speaking of which the holiday season is here and time is running out so get those family sittings booked to give a gift that will last and be cherished a lifetime! I was also able to do some shots with a senior named Nick whom wanted some photos with his horse. It was good to hear that he had participated in the rodeo out at Henderson's Arena as well and I have a few shots of him in action to include with his senior photos. As always, comments and feedback welcome.
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Wedding day

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 10:06 PM 0 comments

Couple of shoots today that included a wedding. Have some processed but still a lot to do so not posting much tonight. The wedding joined Adam Fletcher and Christina Davis in marriage and put them on their way to an island honeymoon. Congrads to them both once again and I'm hopeful they'll like their photos once they return.
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PS Play

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 9:26 PM 0 comments
Feeling a little under the weather and with the colder shortened days I've found myself messing around with Photoshop lately. First image comprised of a photo of Marina, a photo of my laptop and lots of filters and manipulations in photoshop to create. Not entirely what I was looking for but went with it for now. Planning to get one where a person is coming out of the screen in 3d like motion and another with broken glass. These will take a great deal of time though and finding that is hard as of late. Next one is a photo of Derik, photo of 4 aces and again a little photoshop. Neither of these are at the level they should be but hopefully give an idea of what can be done. The cool thing about them is that nothing was taken from anyone else. As they say create, don't steal. Plan is to let people know that the level of photography can be creative beyond the "say cheese" and "nexxxxxxtttt" level offered by most photography chain studios. Photos can last a lifetime, why not make them something worth investing in?!

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Poker Faces and Football Standouts

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:31 PM 0 comments
Couple of my latest projects pictured below. Derik came in for his senior photos earlier today and mentioned that he liked to play poker in his free time. He wondered aloud if I could get a shot of something like that and alas I finally got him to smile a little! Using two strobes, one camera right sitting on table and one camera left I was finally able to create the mood and depth of field I was looking for. This shot was taken in my lobby which is something I've thought about doing for a while now with the beautiful wood wall as a backdrop. Tell me what you think?

Next I've been tasked to show what I can do for idea on x-mas gifts and thought I'd put together a sport poster starring Cody Huff of Jackson. I've got other ideas but am pressed for time as of late and will have to post later. Tomorrow is first day of deer gun season so I hope to be able to get some big buck photos of the ones that either got away or that my sons have actually bagged. Either way I'm sure it'll be adventurous.

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Busy Times

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 12:22 AM 0 comments
Seems as though everyone is running a little late for the senior photos this week as I've been getting a lot of calls and bookings! Deadline fast approaching for the seniors to get their photos in the yearbook which means the senior season is about over. It's great to be getting to work with everyone so far and I cant wait to work with more. Photo below is my son whom is also due to graduate this year as well. We didn't have much time to work on his today but will again here in near future so stay tuned for more.

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Basketball Season

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 12:57 AM 0 comments
Jackson team member getting some air! Basketball season started up with the girls playing Rockhill Tuesday night so I thought I'd get some shots and check for response. I've not posted all the photos taken as I want to only focus on what is popular in regards to photos. If you have a desire to purchase a particular player you might want to contact me first to see what other photos I may have of them. Print prices are fantastic and these shots are more than likely not possible with a point and shoot camera so take advantage of capturing your loved one in their youth! Photos and photo gifts make terrific presents for anyone and time is of the essence.

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Gallery wraps, Halloween contest and Seniors

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 5:34 PM 0 comments
It's been a little while since last post so have some catching up to do! I've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of some Gallery Wraps I ordered for display here in the studio and they arrived today! Needless to say I think they are so much better than a typical photo since they really make a statement due to large size and quality. Mention this blog and receive 10% off a Gallery Print with your package purchase! Sizes from 11x14 to 40x60 available. Print it on one single canvas or break it down into pieces to make a true work of art from your favorite landscape scene!

I loved this "disclaimer" I read on another photographer's website recently and now paraphrased with my twist on it; I create images based on mood, personalities and desired outcome not images that are exactly like some one else's work. I do not intend to become a typical assembly line photographer where you simply make an appointment, sit still and say "cheese". I want to fulfill a creative touch to each and every person who comes to me for photographs and don't want to be boxed in by comparisons. The photography of our parents, grandparents, etc was something that fulfilled a purpose. Usually that purpose made it painstakingly fake and very formal. If this is the type of photography you desire then I strongly advise seeking a photographer who can fulfill those needs. With the advent of the digital age and the ever increasing point and shoot camera shooters it is inevitable that photographers have to offer what can not be easily found elsewhere and to that, each photographer needs to offer their own vision since this is the only thing that can not be mass reproduced. I was recently given feedback that said something to the effect that other photographers offer more for less cost. Initially, I won't lie, I was offended but then the more I thought about it I revisited some of the other photographer's websites, blogs, and pricelists I've accumulated over time and realized that it was obvious that this person knows very little about photography. I don't claim to be the cheapest price in town simply because I don't want to be the cheapest. I'm more interested in quality. I'm more interested in providing something unique to my vision. I choose to do this because when it comes to the bottom line this is what is going to make it last. If my vision, my talents do not incorporate what it takes to be successful then no matter what price I charge it will all end the same with me going out of business. As every business knows there is the cost of doing business associated with it and I charge what it costs me. What should make the difference is liking my work or not liking my work and I truly believe in the right of every person to have their opinion. As with any purchase it's important to check into what your buying. If everyone bought cars because of price we'd all be driving Geo Metro's! That is why this website is so important to me and should be for any photographer in today's digital world. It's a display of your work, your taste, and a glimpse into what is possible. Feel free to check my work, ask questions, stop by and see first hand what is available and if you choose Digital Storm Photography after that then we both have an understanding of what is desired.

This is the lovely Nichole and one of the shots we took during her senior shoot. It was a pleasure to work with her and I loved the chance to do a fall outdoor car scene.

This is one of the winners of the recent Telegram News Halloween photo contest. She was great to work with and posed so easily and gracefully!

This little guy was another of my challenges recently in that he didn't want a typical mom pose. He wanted to be up moving around and see what life is about! More power to him I say, I just hope mom likes it!

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Terrific three for one setting

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:21 PM 0 comments
Here's a couple from this afternoon when I got the opportunity to do these two seniors who had no problem hamming it up for the camera. Thanks so much Terry for setting these two up with me to shoot as they were a lot of fun!

Meet Emily..... she was a natural, especially at trying to follow my messed up instructions on posing. We finally figured it out that I had to tell her the opposite of what I meant.

And this is Shawn, next model for Flex magazine and boyfriend of Emily. Needless to say he done an awesome job making himself comfortable.

But really here are a couple of them that those "majority" people will want to see that shows how good looking they really are! My first shoot with a mom posing with her son and I thought that was really cool. As with most guys he wasn't too thrilled on this whole picture taking thing so was especially cool that he wanted one with his mom. He even had to poke a little fun during that shot mentioning that he was still taller than her sitting down and it was true! Sometimes you can tell by people's interactions what the relationship is like and this is one mother son relationship I'm sure draws a lot of envy just in the ease of their personality. Great group to work with and I hope to do it again in the near future.

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HDR and Just like the Rudolph cartoon

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 10:03 PM 0 comments
Experimenting with HDR (High Dynamic Range) images and came out with the first shot below. This is near Buckeye Furnace and shot on tripod with different exposures. The idea is to expose for both shadows and highlights in this case the trees and the sky and merge them in photoshop. While I don't think this came out too bad and certainly better than trying to correct the shadows or highlights in photoshop I found out however there is a problem with clouds. Clouds move so when taking several shots and merging them together you can have distortions but the beautiful sky was one of the biggest things I wanted to capture so I still ended up spending time working with the healing brush and such. Anybody with suggestions for this issue please let me know.

After HDR try I decided to drive back to my little unknown nature preserve and came across several deer including this guy. He was pretty photogenic as I snapped quite a few photos from jeep then stepped out and walked toward him to get a better angle coming to within about 50 yards before he decided it was too close and leaped to edge of tree line before stopping to let me take several more shots. Then I watched him do something I thought was pretty amazing. See his head turned while he is at the tree line? I thought he was perhaps watching another buck who had perhaps crossed into his territory and as I was looking to see what he was looking at I observed two does coming toward me. At that instant the 1st doe seen me and stopped, peering through a small leafless tree. It is at this time I saw something that was pretty cool, the buck left his safe zone, get away trail and came back out toward me and ushered these two to the wood line. I mean I've been to the woods hunting for many years but this was first time I observed a buck with this nurturing nature without the rut on his mind. He literally knew I was there and came back out to within 40 yards of me to make sure those two other got to the tree line and he made them go quick. Usually you'll see them flag and run but this buck took care of the young.

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Just a quick note

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 7:50 PM 0 comments
A yahoo photographer friend had this and I stole it cause I thought it was cool..........

Check out this video: Free Hugs Campaign

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New post processing and trying to catch up

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 11:17 PM 0 comments
Ok I know I've not posted lately but I've found myself with more stuff to do with not enough hours in the day to do them. I've been experimenting with some new post processing techniques dealing with contrast and skin retouching. It just so happened to be timed after a shoot with Crystle and her cute daughter pictured below. The photos are sorta in reverse order as the first one is toward the end of the shoot when she was beginning to finally warm up to me so much to the point that she wanted to be inside the camera, as this shot is not cropped at all except to 8x10 aspect ratio. Anyway as you can see I'm working to make those big blue eyes stand out and in the last image with her mom I boosted the yellow contrast range quite a bit.

Next few shots were from today when I decided to see if I could call in a couple of owls that are said to be in these woods. I've never attempted to do this so of course no owl sightings but did see some beautiful colors and a decent little buck. He's hard to spot in the first photo so see if you can find him and in the second he's more visible although still obscured by vegetation. These shots were from a tree stand in which he skirted around me at approximately 75 yards out the whole time. It is now bow season in Ohio and the bucks are starting to make their rub lines and I even seen what appeared to be a couple of scrapes.

Looking over a couple of magazines a fellow photographer lent me I've found some new information and things I'm going to try out. One is a contest in which the prize would be an all expense paid trip to a photography conference in Las Vegas. I'm not sure what the odds are of winning but it would be nice. The other is information on some upcoming conferences in and around Ohio which I hope to be able to attend at least some of them to learn and develop some new ideas.
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