We finally got the opportunity to have a shoot with Breana whom will be representing Digital Storm Photography at Vinton County High School! Breana is a proud VCHS majorette who is also actively involved in the drama club and 4H so we're sure she'll get the chance to show her photos and answer any questions you may have. As mentioned before but worth mentioning again, our senior reps are supplied with some great offers to include free photos by simply booking with us and presenting your rep's card! Now for a few photos in case you've never had the opportunity to meet Breana..........
Also wanted to acknowledge a recent family get together to celebrate my grandfather's 91st b-day. It was great to be able to host the event and while he has his ailments it's really awesome he can still get out and around if even for a little while. I think he looks great photographically speaking as well and I'm hoping to get an enlarged print one day of this photo.

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