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From Traditional to Extravagant we want to capture your special day

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They're only young once so let us capture this special time in both your life's

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Family fun

Posted by Dave Mercer Digital Storm Photography On 10:09 PM
This weekend was spent working with Tiffany, our Jackson senior rep, and Sunday with the Long family. Now if any of you reading this has ever had the opportunity to spend some time with Jeremy, Amy and the young ones then I'm sure you know what a delight they are. The kids were super awesome and quite entertaining to say the least. Little "K" was as cute as a button with a 3 going on 12 year old mentality who had us all laughing at times. "B" is a ladies man and simply needed little instruction for working the camera.

Now usually I don't post "outtakes" simply because it's not like you're wanting to process pictures that have little value for effort but I came across a few that I just can't help but smile at so I've color corrected and done minimal processing to post..................

"K" got frustrated at one point upon receiving posing instructions from dad and simply replied something to the effect of "you're not the picture boss dad, that's not what he meant". She was a riot!
Check out the eye roll on "B". Typical big brother!

And last but not least.......... now can you give your big brother a hug? I think that was code for headlock!
Ok enough of the funny stuff. Here's a sneak peek of some of the better ones. "K" is just a doll baby and check out "B" working the camera.

It was a pleasure working with all of you and the family shots are coming along so stay tuned!

3 Response to "Family fun"

  1. Candy Said,

    Great photos!! I really enjoy reading your blog :-)


  2. Selena Said,

    Dave, these are some beautiful shots! Two beautiful children & you did a fantastic job photographing them!


  3. Anonymous Said,


    I love the pictures. Two very Beautiful kids. All poses were great!